S1: Smart City/Environment 1
- A Web based Virtual Environment as a connection platform between people and IoT
Marco Alessi and Enza Giangreco (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Italy); Luca Mainetti, Vincenzo Mighali and Luigi Patrono (University of Salento, Italy); Marco Pinnella (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Italy); Stefano Pino (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica Spa, Italy); Davide Storelli (Engineering Ingegneria Informatica S.p.A., Italy)
Smart objects are present in our cities everywhere, thus it is becoming more and more necessary to have a connection platform, not only capable to make those objects talk with each other, but to present the results of their functions also to the citizens/users. Objective of this paper is the definition and development of a model that represents a connection and interaction layer between smart objects and people. In particular, we propose an immersive virtual platform, able to engage end-users and let people be aware of the where, what and how factors: where smart objects are deployed in the city, what functionalities/data they offer, and how those data represent context for the urban areas. To prove this particular model, we developed a prototypical Virtual Environment of Things (VEoT), within an immersive 3D environment in which the user can explore the virtualized urban area and interact with the available smart objects through gestures and affordable VR devices. The VEoT is fed by real-time data produced by a multi-protocol sensing middleware that simplifies the interaction with physical devices through high-level (RESTful) APIs. Paying attention to interconnection of people and things, this prototype will empower final users with engaging tools in order to enhance the fruition of the IoT paradigm.
- An Internet of Sport Architecture Based on Emerging Enabling Technologies
Luca Mainetti, Luigi Patrono and Maria Laura Stefanizzi (University of Salento, Italy)
Sports and recreational activities provide an interesting domain of research that includes several of the critical challenges for next generation of services. The adoption of emerging Internet of Things technologies into the field of sport could significantly improve the sport experience and also the safety level of team sports. To this purpose, this paper presents a novel Sport System based on the jointly use of different technologies, such as RFID, WSN, Cloud, and mobile. It is able to collect, in real time, both environmental parameters and players’ physiological data via an ultra-low-power Hybrid Sensing Network (HSN) composed of 6LoWPAN nodes integrating UHF RFID functionalities. Sensed data are delivered to a Cloud platform where a monitoring application makes them easily accessible via REST Web Services. A simple proof of concept has demonstrated the appropriateness of the proposed system. This work represents a first real attempt to demonstrate the benefits introduced by the use of IoT technologies in sport environments.
- Online Platform for Case Studies in Smart Cities
Sara Coelho and Nuno Vasco Lopes (University of Minho, Portugal)
Currently, the fast rate of population growth in urban areas are putting a big pressure in services supply. In order to fulfil citizens’ demands, the cities’ operations need to be intelligently optimized. All around the world cities are implementing smart cities initiatives to address this challenge. The development of smart initiatives implies the adoption of solutions that heavily rely on Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs). These smart solutions are being seen as crucial instruments to achieve more livable and sustainable cities. The urban problems are addressed by means of innovative solutions, which mainly resorting to the use of real-time data analysis technologies to support the decision-making process in city operations. For helping the municipalities who want to develop smart city initiatives in their cities, this paper proposes an online platform, which allows decision-makers and information managers making 3D analysis of case studies around the world. The platform is being developed resorting to OLAP technology.
- WasteApp: Smarter Waste Recycling for Smart Citizens
Dario Bonino (Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Italy); Maria Teresa Delgado (Istituto Superiore Mario Boella (ISMB), Italy); Claudio Pastrone (Istituto Superiore Mario Boella, Italy); Maurizio A. Spirito (ISMB, Italy)
Waste recycling and disposal is an increasingly pressing issue for the preservation of the Earth natural environment. A considerable amount of research has been carried on factors influencing household waste recycling behaviors and a plethora of supporting tools have been investigated in the last few years. Despite this, recycling waste is still perceived as a cumbersome task, and people around the world are often struggling to find efficient ways to recycle their waste. We argue that, among many factors, a lack of user centered design in waste recycling support tools can be one of the causes. For such reason, we approach the design of a new waste recycling support application, the “WasteApp”, by merging behavioral studies and common features of existing mobile apps with a co-design methodology. We present the outcomes of several co-design sessions aimed at gathering real user needs for waste recycling, and an initial design of the “WasteApp”.
- Model business process improvement by statistical analysis of the users’ conduct in the process
Almir Djedović (Info Studio, Bosnia and Herzegovina); Almir Karabegović (University of Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina); Emir Žunić (Info Studio, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Process Mining is relatively young research area that meets the gap between business processes and various IT systems. Most of the works in this area focus on the control flow perspective, while very few of them address the organizational aspect. The organization perspective of process mining support the discovery of social network within organization by analyzing events logs recorded during real process execution. For process owners, it is very important to know how users perform their activities in process. In this paper we introduce a process discovery method that combines an organizational perspective with probabilistic approach. Combining these two approaches we are able to fit distribution of users work and distribution of instance generation in process. We use different statistic methods like Cullen and Frey graph, Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic test, Carmén-von-Mises statistic test and Anderson-Darling statistic test. After finding appropriate distribution we estimate its parameters. Research conducted and presented in this paper reveals that the information about users behaviour in process is significantly usefull in further analysis: in simulations, to identify bottlenecks, to improve productivity of resource management and to identify task complexity in process.