Making the IoT ready to be large scale deployed: device management and intelligence distribution(Tutorial)
The IoT is reaching the expected maturity in the market. The last years very important disruption have happened around Internet connectivity with the introduction of 6LoWPAN, M2M, NB-IoT and Ultra Narrow Band for enabling a wide range of solutions that offer the bandwidth, coverage, costs and power consumption for every potential scenario. At the same time, IoT has been evolving our knowledge and conception of the world as an hyper-connected environment that has raised new requirements for making the IoT ready for large scale deployments. One of the design considerations, for the success of the IoT, has been to integrate scalable device management and also edge intelligence capabilities, in order to promote and ensure the interoperability, homogeneity, openness, security, flexibility, and heritage of all existing hardware, and tools. This work presents how to integrate the management protocols in IoT-based deployments with protocols such as OMA LwM2M for enabling remote maintenance, firmware upgrade, heterogeneous resources exposition etc., and also to deploy edge computing services that enhance scalability, quality of service and privacy. An overview and explanation of the new IoT capabilities that cover from connectivity, management to edge intelligence will be addressed in this tutorial.